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004 St P Eaton Sq 4May15



We decided to create the Belgravia Society as a charity. We can use our funds to keep the community fully informed about what is going on here and might affect their interests, support educational projects, give advice on planning matters and projects and, where possible, to make donations elsewhere for the benefit of the community. 


We receive copies of all planning applications in Belgravia and these are scrutinised to ensure they do not undermine our objectives, the primary one of which is:


“To promote for the benefit of the public the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of historic or public interest in Belgravia and to promote high standards of planning and architecture in or near Belgravia including considering and promoting traffic solutions for problems occurring in the area and ensuring the maintenance and improvement of the quality of the streets and public places and the protection of the environment and improvement of air quality.”

To this end, apart from all the representations we have made to Westminster City Council and the government in connection with various issues relating to Belgravia, the members of our Committee regularly attend liaison meetings with developers. We are consulted by developers and have been able to obtain alterations and improvements to proposed schemes. We have supported individuals in connection with either a planning application of their own, or possible objection to others. All of these are based on the objectives we have quoted. We campaigned against the use of Belgrave Square for commercial purpose. We opposed the proposals for Newson’s Yard and we delayed them long enough to cause a major change in the proposals for redevelopment. We stand out against excessive development and especially tall buildings. We continue to monitor and liaise with developers to improve things as best we can to ensure that our objectives are met, and try to meet the aspirations of our members and the community generally. 


Although we charged a subscription when we first started, we no longer do so and membership is free at the moment. This makes sure every member of our community can join. We ask our members to make donations to cover our costs and the work which is necessary to support the Society’s activities. This is a Society for everyone.


The costs of running the Society are kept to an absolute minimum and all our members and Committee members contribute their time voluntarily. We need funds to continually add to our website, to maintain sending a monthly magazine and also ensure that our Annual General Meeting and Social is an event to which everybody wants to come.


Our members are very generous but we do need more funds to maintain our contribution to our community. We are therefore asking for donations particularly to sponsor or partly sponsor our monthly magazine, add to our website and other activities we engage in.


Please help us by giving what you can.

Donations may be sent by cheque payable to "The Belgravia Society" to:

63 Belgravia Court

33 Ebury Street

London SW1W ONY

The Belgravia Society is grateful for all donations received.


Please also send us a completed gift aid form so that we can increase the value of your gift. You can either complete the online form below OR download the form, complete and send to the above address or email to


Any donations are greatly appreciated. Please take the time to complete the form below and send your donation as a cheque to the address above.

Would you like to receive our newsletter and be kept up to date by email?


The only independent voice for Belgravia.

Bringing Communities Together – Join Us!


Patron: Lord Fellowes of West Stafford DL

Registered Charity No. 1168619


07578 969 509


The Belgravia Society

63 Belgravia Court

33 Ebury Street




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© 2022 The Belgravia Society – Graphic Design by Fredd | Website Design by Ascendancy Digital

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